County’s youngest cities and is a master-planned community. This city is named for Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores in San Diego County, but the city falls within the borders of Rancho Mission Viejo.
Rancho Santa Margarita has a population of 47,853, with a population density of 3,683.1 people per square mile. The 2010 Census reported that 100% of the population of Rancho Santa Margarita lives in households.
The city has over 16,000 households, out of which 46.2% have children under the age of 18 living in them. 60.9% of the households were opposite-sex married couples living together, 10.2% had a female householder with no husband, and 4.2% had a male householder with no wife living in them.
4.5% of the households have unmarried opposite-sex partnerships, 0.6% are same-sex married couples or partnerships, and 19.2% are made up of individuals.
The average household size is 2-3 people. There are 12,547 families in the city, and the average family size is 3-4 people. Of the 17,260 housing units, 71.4% are owner-occupied, and 28.6% are occupied by renters.
As far as education, over 30% of the population possesses a Bachelor’s Degree, and 16.4% possess a Graduate or Professional Degree.
The median household income is $104,113, with 3.9% of the population living below the federal poverty line.
With almost half of families in Rancho Santa Margarita being in charge of minor children, it’s important to make sure that your estate is in order. It’s crucial to prepare for the future and work with an experienced Rancho Santa Margarita wills and trust attorney.
Estate planning is essentially creating a plan for the transfer of your property and assets after your death. Your estate consists of all the property you own.
While many people believe that estate planning should only happen after you retire or when faced with a terminal illness or injury, the reality is that an accident or other situation can arise without warning. The prudent thing is to have the documents in place before they are needed.
Estate planning is best done by an experienced estate planning lawyer in Rancho Santa Margarita while you’re legally competent and in good mental health. Your estate plans should be reviewed and updated throughout your life.
A Rancho Santa Margarita living trust lawyer can help you make a plan catered to your individual needs to determine who will inherit from you and who will settle your affairs when you’ve passed away.
If you don’t work with a Rancho Santa Margarita wills attorney or create a written will or trust, your estate will likely go through probate where the court will decide who inherits your property.
A Rancho Santa Margarita wills lawyer will help you ensure that your family is taken care of and won’t have to go through a lengthy and financially draining probate process.
If you own your home or any other real estate or have more than $150,000 in assets, your estate will be subject to probate if you do not have a will or trust. Probate will determine who is the rightful heir to your estate.
Instead of letting the courts decide for you, protect your family’s future without you by working with a Rancho Santa Margarita probate attorney who can help you ensure who gets your property.
However, if you’re already going through a probate process or will soon for a family member who has passed away, you need the help of experienced Rancho Santa Margarita probate lawyers that can help expedite the process through the court system.
Trustees typically have a lot of responsibilities after someone has passed away. An experienced trust administration lawyer in Rancho Santa Margarita can help guide the trustee through the process and assist with collecting the assets and distribution.